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breeze bc dinner gathering at BARCELONA - Cage

Hi, everyone. I am Cage. I have uploaded our dinner gathering photos at BARCELONA to our shared web album. We have 26 people join this gathering. I think everyone had a happy time yesterday night.

If you want to your share to everyone. Please tell me (cage.chung@gmail.com). I will help you to share your photos to everyone.

Best regards.

Photos at Yuma on 5/2 - Cage

Hi, everyone. I'm cage. Above sider view is our dinner gathering at Yuma.  We have 27 people. I think everyone had a nice dinner gathering. If you had camera yesterday. You can tell me. Then, i will help you to upload photos to here and share to everyone. 

Dinner at 2 May

First, thanks for you all join our dinner party at 5/2. As you can see. Most classmates choose the Yuma restaurant. So we decide to book Yuma restaurant. If you have signed your name in the coming list and you can't go on 2 May. Please contact Kody or Cage. Thanks!!!

Dinner reminder
  • Time: 5/2 Pm 6:00 (捷運忠孝敦化 5號出口集合)
  • Camera

Photos in Watami - Kate

I received the email by Kate. She has some others photos and upload to her Live space. I download them and compress. I put the compress file on my web space and download the full size photos.

Announcement new playground services

I'm cage and happy to announce new shared web album. I'm setting a new Google account. Everyone can upload the actives photos yourself later. If you have any problem about upload photos. you can contact me and I'll help you to solve the problem. 

Second, i enable a new google service that is blog. As you can see (bc sts' playground). Everyone can write some posts in here. 

ps. i'll sent the shared account and password to everyone later.

ps. this is the photos at 和民 yesterday. you upload others photos if you have.
